Dynamic loading for iOS

Steve Dao
4 min readApr 4, 2023


Lazy load dynamic frameworks in runtime for iOS

Binary is being loaded from SSD to RAM — Generated by AI

Dynamic loading

Dynamic loading is a mechanism by which a computer program can, at run time, load a library (or other binary) into memory, retrieve the addresses of functions and variables contained in the library, execute those functions or access those variables, and unload the library from memory.

It is one of the 3 mechanisms by which a computer program can use some other software; the other two are static linking and dynamic linking. Unlike static linking and dynamic linking, dynamic loading allows a computer program to start up in the absence of these libraries, to discover available libraries, and to potentially gain additional functionality.

Dynamic loading for Apple platforms

MacOS officially supports Dynamic loading, you can follow the Dynamic Library Programming Topics. How about the iOS? Unfortunately, there aren’t any official documents for iOS yet. Also, from the Xcode settings, we only see 2 options are static linking and dynamic linking, we assume Apple doesn’t support Dynamic loading for iOS officially.

However, MacOS & iOS use the same Darwin kernel. Luckily, Darwin is mostly compatible with POSIX. POSIX introduced the dlfcn which is a standard instruction to work with run-time dynamic loading. You can see Apple open-sourced the dylb base on it.

I wrote a library: DyLibRuntimeLoader to bring the dynamic loading for iOS by using methods from POSIX’s dlfcn. This article today, I will use it to demonstrate how it works.

Interface modules

There’re many benefits when using the Interface modules design. One of them is reducing the build time, today, along with dynamic loading, we’ll get one more benefit: reduce the App’s launch time! When App starts, it only load the interface modules, then app is running, it will load the concrete modules on demand by dynamic loading.

You can see engineers in Meta has talked about this approach: The evolution of Facebook’s iOS app architecture. Today we’ll try to replicate how did they do that, sound interesting? Let’s go!

Demo app

You can find a demo iOS project in the DyLibRuntimeLoader repository, download it & continue reading to understand what’s going on or create an empty project by these following steps:

Create a new project & add the DyLibRuntimeLoader dependency via Swift Package Manager:

dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/duyquang91/dylibruntimeloader", .from("1.0.0"))

Interface module

Next step, you have to create a new dynamic framework target. Declare all public protocol here:

import Foundation

public protocol SampleInterface {
var version: String { get }

Concrete module

Create a new dynamic framework target then add the “interface module” & DyLibRuntimeLoader as a dependency. Here, we implement the requirements from the “interface module”:

import Foundation
import DyLibSampleInterface
import DyLibRuntimeLoader

public struct Sample: SampleInterface {
public var version: String {

public func sample() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return dyLibCreator(factory: Sample(), forType: SampleInterface.self)

You have to use the @_cdecl("sample") attribute, otherwise we can't retrieve the symbol to this concrete implementation later. Library also mentioned this in the method's inline documentation.

Now, build & export this “Concrete module” to a dynamic XCFramework (or Fat framework). If you’re using Swift Package Manager, can use this tool: swift-create-xcframework.


Now, it is time to see the magic! Open your iOS project & add 2 dependencies:

  1. DyLibRuntimeLoader: Link dynamically
  2. DyLibSampleInterface: Link dynamically

How about the concrete framework? We don’t link it as the traditional way, our project & Xcode shouldn’t see it: don’t import or link it, just copy to the “Frameworks” directory by a new "Copy Files" in the "Build Phases":

Copy the “Concrete module” framework to bundle

Whenever you want to get any instances from the concrete module, just follow this method:

let sample = try dyLibLoad(withSymbol: "sample", 
fromFramework: .framework(name: "DyLibSample", directory: .frameworks),
forType: SampleInterface.self)

Use corresponding directory you copied the concrete framework into it, otherwise the framework can’t be loaded.

If you setup correctly, the framework should be loaded:


You can try to open the IPA package in the simulator at path:


Open the “Frameworks” folder & try to delete these frameworks & restart the app:

  1. Delete DyLibRuntimeLoader or Interface module framework: App will be crashed immediately because they're linked dynamically. When app is launched, iOS will load all linked dynamic frameworks, if any is missing, app will crash.
  2. Delete Concrete module framework: App is launched normally because it is not linked dynamically, iOS doesn't know it is in the App's main bundle.

The playground above is an evident for the Dynamic loading for iOS with this library. Actually, you can use the POXIS’s dlfcn APIs directly, very simple. This library just abstracts & makes it more Swifty.

By dynamic loading, the App’s launch time will be reduced significantly, especially with the bunch of dynamic frameworks!

Appstore review

We’re using the low level APIs with limited documentations from Apple. I will use this library for my current app on the Appstore to see if we can bypass the review from Apple, will update here soon. (Btw, Facebook is still using this technic so I assume Apple accepted it 😁)



Steve Dao
Steve Dao

Written by Steve Dao

Senior Software Engineer at Grab

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